This is an assignment on the subject of
Advance English, where I have to create the stage drama scrip for one hours. At
this point I have select the story of Prince Siddhartha and princess Yosodhara.
I hope to describe the get-together and the departure of their life. That is
the theme of this Drama Script. The story of drama is most famous to us
therefore I do not explain more details on the story.
I hope to be grateful to our English teacher
Ms. Buddhi Ariyathne, who gave this opportunity to learn something different in
my life. As Chinese Buddhist monk I never thought that I will write Drama scrip
in my life but after this chance, I feel great to write stage drama script
which is new experience to my life.
I hope to thanks once again to our English
teacher for this experience to my life.
Act 01 Scene 01
[The Stage is opening, only few lights are
switched on and the narrator is coming forward with
the drama scripts, while he is going to describe the
beginning of drama the soft music is playing which is most related to this
drama. The narrator welcomed all and start to his act]
“Namo Tassa Bhagawato Arahato Samma SamBuddhassa” [chanting softly] before the
Buddha renunciation he was well known as the brave and most handsome prince at
the kingdom of kapilavastu. Here we are is going to act that story.
his explanation the stages closed and switched off all the lights except small
one. The prince approached to the stage]
Siddhartha: [speaking with Channa] Channa good morning.
Channa: Good morning my prince
Siddhartha: How are you?
Not bad my prince and how was your night?
Siddhartha: well channa not need to hide you I feel to discover something more
but my father do not give permission to go out from royal house.
Do not think about that, I am sure that we will go outside someday.
Siddhartha: I do not Channa, when will come that day and my dreams come true.
Shall we go for the breakfast?
Siddhartha: OK let we go but do not tell these things to father.
ok my prince!
stage is closed and next stages is crated]
Act 01 Scene 02
[came forward to the stage and start to speak] the prince Siddhartha wants to
go out from the royal home but he was not permissioned. But one day will come
where everyone dreams comes true]
Suddhodana: Good morning dear son!
Siddhartha: Good morning dear father.
Suddhodana: come and sit to have a breakfast
Siddhartha: yes father.
Siddhartha: father why do not you granted the permission to go out and look the
outside world.
Suddhodana: There are so many bad people who are living here, they are not all
good .royal palace is better and safe place for you.
Siddhartha: but father …
Suddhodana: Stop no more discussion while the eating
after the small discussion prince finished his breakfast and came back to his
Subha royal home.
Act 01 Scene 03
prince is thinking alone about the outside world. [Suddenly one royal serven
came and bow to the prince Siddhartha and said like this]
servant: My prince there is the massage
for you.
Siddhartha: what is that?
servant: Queen Maha Prajapati Gotami wants to meet you and ask to come to meet
Siddhartha: ok I will come in few minutes
The Maha Prajapati Gotami who is the step mother of Prince Siddhartha. She
wants to meet him to ask something.
Act 01 Scene 04
Siddhartha: Mother did you called me?
Maha Prajapati Gotami: Yes my son
Siddhartha: what is the matter mother?
Maha Prajapati Gotami: Dear son we have decide to go Deudaha Nuwar to visit
king and meet his daughter. We have decide your marriage with beautiful prince
Siddhartha: Yosodhara‼! I feel something familiar with that name.
Maha Prajapati Gotami: ok then get ready next week to go and meet her.
stage is closed again and switched off some lights to indicated that night and
days are going, then the day of journey to
meet Yasodhara]
Act 02 Scene 01
come forward and start to speak]
The flowers are hidden because of the shame and moon is sad because of there
are more beautiful princess in the human world.
Siddhartha: [Entered to the Yosodhara’s royal home]
Yosodhara: [She saw the prince Siddhartha]
are booking each other hours and hours, they felt that they have meet before in
their life]
Yosodhara: Come and sit down I was waiting years and years for you.
Siddhartha: Yosodhara ! [take deep breathe] I feel something which I cannot
explain to you it is hard to understand that why do I feel like about you‼!
Yosodhara: I also feel same feelings that we have met earlier in our life.
the long conversation they agreed to get married and the married each other]
Act 02 Scene 02
[Came to stage and start to speak] after the get married Princess Yosodhara and
prince Siddhartha lived with happily. Finally they have a son name Rahula.
Siddhartha: Dear Channa now I feel father allowed to go outside to me. I like
to go visits outside, can you take me?
Yes my prince I will take you
went to outside and them saw old man, sick people, death body and monk]
Siddhartha: Channa if these all things are happening I want to know the way to
get rid of them.
Yes my Prince, we all have to death one day.
Siddhartha start to think, if we all are become to decay and death I need to
find the way to stop it. I have to renunciation from royal home]
Act 03 Scene 01
Siddhartha: Mom, Dad and my love Yosodhara if all we are getting sick, getting
old and die then I need to find out the solution for that. Therefore please let
me to find that and give permission to gout from royal home.
are crying and Prince Siddhartha went from home to find the truth]
[came to stage and start to talk] this is the start stage of prince
Siddhartha’s journey to find truth and separation from his wife, son and
parents. Later he discovered the Truth
which is famous as Buddhism in modern society.]
the characters came to the stage and end the story]
Theme of stage Drama: The separation of
prince Siddhartha and princess Yasodhra
Characters: Prince Siddharatha, Prince
Yosodhara King and queen Channa and royal servant.
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