
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Sammuti and Paramattha

                                     Sacca can be define as truth. Sammuti saccha can be translate as conventional truth and Paramattha is absolute truth. According to grammatical explanation, sammuti can define as Sam+Mana, which means conventional or general arraignment, and Paramattha is Parama+attha, which means absolute being.
The main purpose of Buddhist philosophy is to show the path to the revelation of the true nature of the individual (puggala), and psychological development of the individual is discussed. The insight (pannā) had to be calculated by following the method of meditation (bhāvanā). It is necessary to develop the insight in order to understand the reality.

                                         According to Theravāda tradition, the Abhidhamma theory deals with two aspects of languages, namely the word and the meaning. This has a close relationship with the theory of Four Noble Truths. It is necessary to develop insight in order to understand the reality. If insight is not developed it is called „abhāvita pannā.“ The outward appearance comes into focus, but not the reality. The situation is far from development.

                                          The one who does not develop the insight (abhāvita pannā) could not realize the reality. Reality is different from the appearances of the outer world, which are represented to our mind through the sense organs (indriya). What one understands as person, animals, trees, houses etc. are not reality, but period's assumptions of outward appearances constructed in the mind. Though they are useful for the purposes of daily life, they are not at all sufficient as far as the realization of the true nature of the world is concerned. Only this realization enables up to get rid of the endless suffering of the world.

                                            K. N. Jayatillaka states the doctrine of the two kinds of knowledge, the higher and the lower, appeared in the meeting  and later Upaniṣad. In addition, the Theory of ten points a doubted by the Tairasika Ājīvakas. The Jains had counterpart in Buddhism in the doctrine of the two kinds of truths, conventional truth (sammuti sacca) and absolute truth (paramattha sacca). The philosophy of Vaiśesika founded by Kanada in the 3rd century BC also had some observations similar to those two kinds of truths in Buddhism.

                                            The commentaries on Kathāvatthu Pakarana point out the following fact in regard to the two truths. Talk by the Buddha, two fold as sammuti and paramattha. Talk of being (satta), person (puggala), god (deva), Brahma etc. are conventional talks (sammuti kathā). The talk on impermanence, suffering, soullessness, aggregates, sens bases, mindfulness, right effort and so on are absolute talks (paramattha kathā).

                                            Accordnig to Milinda panna Ven.Nagasen stories define the reality of sammuti and paramattha. Ven. Nagasena is sammuti but accordance to paramattha there are no such a person called Nagasena. This is clearer in vajira sutta.

‘‘Yathā hi aṅgasambhārā, hoti saddo ratho iti;
Evaṃ khandhesu santesu, hoti sattoti sammuti [1]
The paramattha can be analysis accordance to M.N.Aranavibhanga sutta into two
1.     Sobhana siddhi paramattha (Natural things )
2.     Ariyasacca paramattha  (daily life)
Accordance to more canonical reference, we can find more details on Paramattha ans sammuti sacca such as Potthapada sutta ,milinda panna
“Sammutiya voharassa katana  sammuti”
Commentary said Samatha is also truth while yogacara Philosophy define that samatah is illusion but commentators said samatha is also truth.
We must know that we use samatha to understand Buddha describe that Samatha to paramattha.
Manorathapurani the commentary of A.N define that sammutiti samanna which means conformity of resignation.
Papancasudani the commentary of M.N. define that sanketa vacanam karanam
1.     Sankathavacana
2.     Lokasammuti
In Abhidhammavatara said that Sannivesana and visesana which means incompetent and distinguish.
In ancient Buddhism, this has use with two words such as
1.     Neyattha
2.     Netattha
Later this use in the sense of Samutthi
As same as pramattha has define as Paramatti sambhawo dhasso katanam paramatto katha. paramattha saccha is appeared absolute   sacca.
Aniccapi katha pi paramattha
Sanissita katha paramatta
1.     Sankhitta dhamma
2.     Vittara dhamma
3.     Sanukansi desana
4.     Nipariyaya
5.     Pariyaya
Kusalena ṭhitā kusalā
Kusalo adhigacchati santipadaṃ,
Kathitaṃ muninā sucitaṃ
Paramatha sabhāvagatīsu gataṃ;

                                               If someone could understand reality through the conventional talk such as of being, “the Buddha instructed in this term at very outset. If someone was able to understand reality through absolute terms such as impermanence etc., Buddha instructed him using these terms. To the person who was capable of understanding through conventional terms the Buddha did not give instruction teaching about absolute truth at the beginning. Heaven instructed first in conventional terms, later the Buddha instructed him in the absolute terms.

 In conclusion, it will be more correct to say that there are two modes of expression sammuti and paramattha, but not two degrees of reality, namely conventional and absolute. Buddha used this samutti to shake of mundane Human. Personally, I believe that these two words have used to introduce Sutta and Abhidhamma as well as sammuti has used to understand the nature and go beyond to paramattha.


[1] Samyutta Nikaya Vajira sutta

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