
Monday, December 14, 2015

Explain the Primary Derivatives

Textual Study
(Course code: -)

Explain the Primary Derivatives



Text Box: Name: 
Student Number: 
Date: 03rd October 2015

1.     Introduction: the Primary derivatives
2.     Kitakas or Primary derivatives
                                                 I.            Kicca Suffix
                                              II.            Kita Suffix
3.     The Kita Suffixes that used equally in three tenses
4.     Past tense Kita Suffixes
5.     Present tense Kita Suffixes
6.     Future tense Kita Suffixes
7.     Past and present tenses Kita Suffixes
8.     The Primary derivatives that made with using different suffixes
9.      The Primary derivatives that used as Nipāta
10.            Tumartha Suffix
11.            Infinite Verbs: Purva Kriya suffix
12.            Hetvartha Primary derivatives
13.            Primary derivatives that used in genders
14.            Conclusion
15.            Bibliography

Introduction: the Primary derivatives
When concerning the derivations in Pali grammar there are two divisions of Derivation. They are as follows;
                               I.            Kita or Primary
                            II.            Taddhita, or Secondary
Primary derivatives are formed directly from the root by adding of certain suffixes that known as Kita and these derivatives are named as Kitakas. From these the “Kita” or “Primary Derivatives” are formed from the root itself and Secondary Derivatives from the Primary Derivatives. Both Primary and Secondary derivatives are treated as noun and some are indeclinable too.  
Ordinary Primary derivative nouns
The format of the primary derivative is as follows;
Root verbal stem + suffix
noun stem
Ex:  √ bhuñja + ta   bhuñjita
the one who ate

Kitakas or Primary derivatives
According to describing from beginning that Primary derivatives are formed directly from the root by adding of certain suffixes. Such as Kiccca, Kitas etc. All Kitaks suffixes are divided into two those are: 
ü Kicca Suffix
ü Kita Suffix
ü Kicca Suffix
The suffixes, by which the passive participles are formed, are called Kiccas. They are few in numbers.



Panditena Kodho Abhibhavitabbo
Panditena Tanha Abhibhavitabbā
Panditena Dukkham Abhibhavitabba
In additional Tabba and Aniya may be annexed to all the roots to form potential participles expressing a passive meaning. 

ü  Kara + Aniya = Karaniya
ü  Su+ Tabba =  Sotabba

 Nya and Niya are suffixed to some roots to form passive participles. When the last vowel of the root is elided before Nya and Ya of the suffix is connected with the last consonant, both of them undergo a change. Ex:
ü  Vada + Nya = Vadya
ü  Ni+ Eyya =Neyya
 In this case you have to remember that
ü  Dhya becomes jjha
ü  Dya becomes jja
ü  Mya become mma
ü  Jya becomes jja
ü  Gya becomes gga
ü  Cya becomes kya



 Tayy and icca are suffixed only to form a limited number of words.

Kara+ icca = Kicca( that should be done)
Pada+ tayya = Pattayya ( what should be arrived or attain)

ü Kita Suffix
Nta and Māna may be suffixed to all roots or bases in order to form present participles.
The following roots change their forms before some suffixes:
Passa or Dakkha
Piba or Piva
Kuru or Kubba

Ta, Tavantu and Tāvi may be suffixed to all roots to form Past Participles. In most case the last consonant is elided before these suffixes, and T of the suffix sometimes reduplicated.
Bhujna + ta = Bhutta (Eaten)
Bhunja + tāvi = bhuttāvi (having eaten)
Bhujna + tavantu = bhuttavantu (having eaten)

As Tavantu and Tāvi are seldom used , we shall here deal only with Ta

Muca + ta = mutta
Pada + ta = patta (attained)
Tapa + ta = tatta
Mada + ta = matta
Yuja + ta = yutta
Supa +ta = Sutta

Where Ta is not reduplicated but the end of root is elided
Kara + ta = Kata (done)
Mara + ta = Mata
Mana + ta = Mata
Gamu + ta = Gata

Sometimes Ta undergoes a change together with the last consonant of the root.

1.      S + Ta
ü  Dasa + Ta = Dattha
ü  Kasa + Ta = Kattha
ü  Hasa + Ta = Hattha
ü  Rusa + Ta = Ruttha
ü  Ghusa + Ta = Ghuttha
ü  Ā + Ta = Akuttha
2.      M + Ta
ü  Khamu + Ta = Khnata ( forgiven)
ü  Samu + Ta = Santa
ü  Bhamu + Ta = Bhanta
ü  Damu+ Ta = Danta
ü  Pa + Kamu + Ta = Pakkanta
3.      Dh + Ta
ü  Budha + Ta = Buddha
ü  Rudha + Ta = Ruddha

4.      Bh + Ta
ü  Labha + Ta = Laddha
ü  Lubha + Ta= Luddha
5.      J + Ta
Bhaja + Ta = Bhagga (broken)
San + vijja = Samvigga

The Kita Suffixes that used equally in three tenses
There are numbers of Kita suffixes that used commonly in three tenses but some suffixes are used in Past tenses, Present tenses, Future tenses and Past and Present tenses.
 The Suffixes that Used commonly in three tenses
Na, A, Nyu, Tu Āvī, Ratthu, Rātu or Ritu, Yu, Kvi, Ramma, Ni, Ru, Nuka, Ra, Tuna, Ika  Suffixes   

Na Suffixes
ü  Kumbha + Kara+Na = Kumbhakāra
ü  Kamma + Kara + Na= Kammakara
ü  Pattam+ Gaha + Na = Pattagaha
ü  Dhamma + Kamu + na =Dhammakama
ü  Hitam + Kamu + Na = Hitakama

A Suffixes
ü  Arim + dama + da = Arindama
ü  Tanham + Kara + A= tanhankara
ü  Medham+ Kara + A= Medhamkara
ü  Vessam + tara + A= vessantara
Nyu Suffixes
ü  Ratham + Kara + Nyu= Rathakaraka
ü  Annam+ Da+ Nya= Annadayaka

Tu Suffixes

ü  Kara + Tu = Kattu
ü  Bhara + Tu = Bhattu
ü  Hara + Tu = Hattu
ü  Bhida + Tu = Bhittu
ü  Pala+ Tu = Paletu
ü  Gamu + Tu = Gantu
Āvī Suffixes
ü  Bhayam + Disva + Āvī = Bhaya dassavi
ü  Adinava + Disa + Āvī = Adinavadassavi
Ratthu Suffixes
ü  Sasu+ ratthu = Satthu
Ritu Suffixes
ü  Pā + Ritu =Pitu
ü  Dhara + Ritu = Dhitu
Rātu Suffixes
ü  Mana + Ratu = Matu
ü  Bhasa + Ratu = Bhatu
Yu Suffixes
ü  Siva + Yu = Sevana
ü  Suva + Yu = Sovana
ü  Bhaja + Yu = Bhajana
ü  Nanda + Yu= Nandana
ü  Cara + Yu = Carana

Kvi Suffixes
ü  Sam + Bhu + Kvi = Sambhu
ü  Abhi + Bhu + Kvi= Abhibhu

Ramma Suffixes

ü  Dhara + Ramma = Dhamma
ü  Kara + Ramma = Kamma
ü  Cara + Ramma = Camma
Ni Suffixes
ü  Braham + Cara + Ni = Brahamacari
ü  Papam + Kara + Ni = Papakari
ü  Saccham+ Vada + Ni = Saccavadi

Nuka Suffixes
ü  Kara + Nuka = Karua
ü  Ava+ Nuka Avuka

Past tense Kita Suffixes
While Examining on past tense Kita Suffix there are numbers of suffixes that used to indicate about Past Kiataka noun. Ex

ü  Ta
ü  Tavantu
ü  Tāvī

Example No 01.
Hu+ Ta = Huta (Perform Yaga)
Hu + Tavantu = Hutavantu
Hu+ Tāvī = Hutavi

 Example no 02.

Bhuja + Ta = Bhutta
Bhuja + Tvantu = Bhuttavantu
Bhuja + Tavi = Bhuttavi

Example no 03.

Vasa + Ta = Usita
Vasa + tavantu = Usivantu
Vasa+ Tavi = Usitavi

Present tense Kita Suffixes
While Examining on present tense Kita Suffix there are two main suffixes that used to indicate about present Kiataka noun. Ex

ü  Anta suffix
ü  Māna suffix

Anta suffix
Gamu                                                       Gaccha + Anta = gacchnata
Isu                                                            Iccha + Anta = Icchnata
Tha                                                          Tittha + Anta = Titthanta
Disa                                                        Dissa + Anta = Dissanta
Pa                                                            Piba + Anta = Pibanta
Mara                                                      Miya + Anta = Miyanta

Māna suffix

Mara + Mana = Maramana
Isu + Mana = Isumana
Rudhi + Mana = Rudhimana
Jara + Mana = Jiramana
Pa + Apa + Una + Mana = Papunamana

Future tense Kita Suffixes
While Examining on future tense Kita Suffix there are two main suffixes that used to indicate about future Kiataka noun. Ex

ü  Ni suffix
ü  Ghin suffix


Gamu + Ni = Gāmi
Bhaja + Ni = Bhāji
Bhaja + Ghin = Bhaji
Pa + tha+ Ghin= Patthie

Past and Present tenses Kita Suffixes
While Examining on Past and Present tense Kita Suffix there are numbers of suffixes that used to indicate about past and present Kiataka noun. Ex
Nu Yu, Kta ,Mi suffixes
Kara + Nu = Kāru
Vā + Yu = Vāyu
Sada + Nu = Sādhu
 Bhu + Kta = Bhuta
Vā+ Kta = Vāta
 Bhu + Mi = Bhumi
Ni + Mi= Neimi

The Primary derivatives that used as Nipāta
There are suffix that used as Nipata those are:

Tave , Tuam, Tvana , Tunatva

In this suffix Tave and Tuam used in Tumartha suffix.
 Kara + Tave = Kātave
Kara + Tuam = Kātum

Su + Tave = Sotave
Su+ Tum= Sotum
Da+ tave= Datave

Yā + tva = Yātva

Infinite Verbs: Purva Kriya suffix
Kara + Nāpe + Tva = Kārāpetvā
Bhuja + Ne + Tvā = Bhojanetvā
Hetvartha Primary derivatives
In this case using Ne, Naya, Nāpe, and Nāpaya suffixes that can create Hetvartha Primary derivatives
Kara + Ne + Anta = Kārenta
Kara + Naya + Māna = Kārayamana
Cura + Nāpe + Anta = Corāpenta

Primary derivatives that used in genders
As Samasa (Compound) and Taddhita (Secondary derivatives) this Primary derivatives also conjugate in three gender.


Panditena Kodho Abhvitabbo
Panditena Tanha Abhibhavitabbā
Panditena Dukkham Abhavitabbam
Tena Dhammo Karaniyo
Tena Puja Karaniyā
Tena Punnam Karaniyam

To Conclude, Primary derivatives are formed directly from the root by adding of certain suffixes that known as Kita and these derivatives are named as Kitakas.  With using numbers of Suffix in tenses as
ü  Past tense Kita Suffixes
ü  Present tense Kita Suffixes
ü  Future tense Kita Suffixes
ü  Past and present tenses Kita Suffixes
Primary derivatives gets a completed Kitaka noun form that can conjugate in three gender as
ü  Masculine
ü  Feminine
ü  Neuter
Its uses as Nipāta , Tumartha Suffix ,Infinite Verbs: Purva Kriya suffix  and Hetvartha Primary derivatives too.


ü  The New Pali Course, Prof.A.P. Buddhadatta Maha Nayaka Thera Parts I & II, Buddhist Cultural Centre Dehiwala Sri Lanka
ü  Pali Grammar, Ven. M. Gunaratana, Buddhist Cultural Centre Dehiwala Sri Lanka
ü  A Grammar of the Pali Language By Chas Durioselle
ü  A Practical Guide to Pāḷi Grammar Ven. Anandajoti Bhikkhu

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